We offer both the traditional agitators and the bubble aspirator style. Each has a high-impact nylon basket, continuous-duty motor and a one-year warranty.
A5: Heavy-duty 12VDC agitator draws 5 amps and is often used on hauling trucks by installing it in a 4" hole in the tank top. A shaft spinner on the top shows the driver it's working. The A5: is also available in the bubble aspirating style (A6):.
A7: 115VAC (60 Hz) agitator is normally suspended above the water by its hanging ring. It's a heavy-duty unit with automatic thermal overload protection and an 8' power cord. (A9): uses the same motor but is the aspirator style.
Use of a GFCI is recommended with 115V. Made in USA.
A5: Agitator, 12V, 5.0 Amp Draw, 9" Height, Weighs 9 lbs
A6: Aspirator, 12V, 4.0 Amp Draw, 15" Height, Weighs 6 lbs
A7: Agitator, 115V, 1.5 Amp Draw, 9" Height, Weighs 10 lbs
A9: Aspirator, 115V, 1.5 Amp Draw, 14-3/4" Height, Weighs 7 lbs